Turf Tips


  • Water your lawn deeply, not frequently.

  • 3 days per week should be enough as long as a deep watering depth is achieved. For example, water deeply so that a 6 inch screwdriver can be stuck in the lawn without much resistance. This represents deep watering, encouraging turf root systems to grow deep into the soil.


  • Mow only at highest setting. This will encourage a deep root system which holds on to water longer.

  • It’s extremely important to keep mower blades sharp. This results in less stress on a lawn, clean cut at the tips and improves color.

  • Change directions every time you mow. This will strengthen your lawn and avoid notorious ruts that can occur from repeated passes.

You take care of the mowing and watering - leave the rest to us, ensuring your lawn has everything it needs to thrive!

Sit back & enjoy your lawn getting better & better with every visit!